Tuesday, January 17, 2012


This Wed Jan 18, many of your favorite sites will be unavailable to you in order to protest web censorship.   Lanmom Originals supports this movement!
From Michael Moore:
"I  think we all knew that the powers-that-be would eventually try to kill the world wide web as we've come to know and love it. I'm sure it's just an accident that these bills are being proposed after a year where uprisings around the world were literally started on the internet. This is a scary device to those in power and I'm sure they rue the day they allowed us to talk freely to each other. They weren't thinking about the revolution that would cause -- they just saw it as a way to sell more stuff. Oops. And now they want to rein it in.
Please take the time to learn about SOPA (and its twin Senate bill, PIPA) and then call AND fax AND email your Representative and Senators tomorrow. Let's melt their phone lines and computers. We've got to use the internet while we still can to organize, fight back and stop this."
I frequently disagree with Michael Moore, but in spite of his melodramatics I agree with him on this.  If you like the internet act TOMORROW!  Before it's too late.

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