Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I'm Celebrating!

I have over 750 followers on facebook!  I think that's cause for celebration.  And I would like to thank each and every one of you for liking my page.  You like me, you really like me! :D

To celebrate, I'm going to hold a drawing for a set of two of my ReCycladelic Pop Top bracelets, and another drawing for one of them.  The winners can choose colors from my available stock.  Here's a few examples:


To enter you have to do two things:
1.  Visit my etsy shop,, and decide what you like best in the shop.
2.  Leave a comment in the rafflecopter entry form with your answer. If you would like to leave a comment on this post with your answer as well, I would love it, but it's not required.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Treasured Tuesday - Howling At The Moon

I actually am getting Treasured Tuesday on Tuesday this week!  With President's day yesterday, that's actually kind of a big deal for me.

I have been going out a lot recently and checking out the moon when it's clear.  I so enjoy crisp nights when I can look out across the valley and up at the moon and some stars.  Of course, I really like coming back in to get warm, too!

'Howling at the Moon' by lanmom

It's just one of those nights... :D

Howl at the Moon Unisex...

Handmade Artisan Lampwo...

Full Moon Spiral Tree H...

Night Sailing under the...

Dog and Owner matching ...

Full Moon Art Print Blu...

Full moon earrings - Ti...

Crescent Moon Pendant

Solar System Necklace, ...

Moon and Star Sterling ...

Princess Luna/ Nightmar...

Moon confetti/punches/e...

ON SALE Night Sky Surre...

Ribbon Bookmark, Velvet...

Baby Blanket. Sun Moon...

Rainbow Moonstone Gemst...

Treasury tool by Red Row Studio.

Go outside next time you get a chance and look up. You just might see something wonderful!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Treasured Tues... um.... Wednesday: For the Birds

Well, I guess I got a bit caught up in Valentine's yesterday.  I normally look forward to making treasuries, but for some reason I spaced that Valentine's was Tuesday.  I thought today was the day.  And now it is!

We have been in and out of our yearly January/February thaw here, and even though I know it'll get cold and snowy again my thoughts are still turning to spring.  I can't wait to work in my garden and watch the birds hopping around.  So this week I'm looking at birds.  Next week it'll probably snow :D

'For The Birds' by lanmom

Temperatures are warming, and even though it's only temporary it starts me thinking of spring.

Hummingbird with red fl...

Steampunk heart necklac...

Vintage 1960s Cocktail ...

Custom Pet Portrait - P...

Singing Hummingbird Pho...

Silver Bird with Branch...

Bright Pink Flamingo Pi...

SALE Baby Blue Own Broo...

Bird Illustration art P...

Coro AB Crystal Brooch ...

Chinese Folk Design 2 C...

Embroidered Birds - The...

Gift Tags / Vintage Ins...

Crow altered art photo ...

white bird necklace han...

vintage 1950's seag...

Treasury tool by Red Row Studio.

Hope your dreams are warm, even if your temps are not!